6th Polish Eye-tracking Conference and 2nd EARLI SIG 27 Conference

An event combining the two projects will take place in Warsaw from 15 to 17 June: The 6th Polish Eye-tracking Conference and the 2nd EARLI SIG 27 Conference. It will bring together ophthalmology specialists from all over the world, and will be an opportunity to broaden their knowledge about technology, share their own experiences and make new contacts. Three days filled with lectures and workshops will also give participants an opportunity to learn about the latest eye-tracking technology solutions.
Representatives of our company will also share their knowledge and experience. The event is organised by us in cooperation with The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, the University of Warsaw, and EARLI, an association of specialists in teaching research.
The partners of the event include: Tobii Pro, BIOPAC and Rogue Resolutions.