Neuroscience solutions that improve the quality of life

We specialize in the development of innovative solutions in the field of therapy and research of the brain and the central nervous system. We create neurostimulation methods, that solve unmet medical needs and improve the quality of human life. We create an image of modern neuroscience.

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Neurostimulation uses an almost imperceptible electric current of low intensity, which stimulates or inhibits selected areas of the brain, affecting its neuroplasticity. Neurostimulation is used e.g. in the treatment of depression, migraine, Parkinson’s disease, and research into neurodegenerative diseases and brain anomalies.
In recent years, neurological rehabilitation has been using more and more modern technological solutions based on brain research related to neuroplastic processes. Brain stimulation methods are recognized in the treatment of depression, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, as well as in post-stroke rehabilitation. Combined with properly conducted therapy by a specialist, they can lead to permanent changes in the functioning of the brain. Brain-computer interfaces, in turn, find application in post-stroke motor rehabilitation, alternative communication, as well as in supporting communication and assessing the condition of people with consciousness disorders.
Neuroscience is all methods of imaging and measuring brain activity. The name applies to an entire group of research on the nervous system. Its current very rapid development results from the implementation of neuroscientific discoveries in marketing, automation, robotics, ergonomics, driver research and alternative communication.